Hog Riderrrrr Clash Logo Goblin King

Clan Information

Screenshot Current war win streak is at a massive 10 wins in a row
at which point the game shafted us and put up us against
a hopeless outmatch, but here is the screenshot to prove
it. Click for the full original.

Base Layouts

Read these notes! (Last update 3rd June 2016)

Do not use the same base as another clan member. It makes us easy pickings for the bad guys.

Please do be aware that these recommendations may not be in all cases completely wonderful.

Some of these bases may be well known, but I suspect are safe enough unless we come up against
much tougher clans. However if you get repeatedly wiped out with obvious identical tactics,
I recommend changing up and letting me know to remove from the list.
On which note, if the base has multiple placements for double giant bombs try moving them about.

If you really need a layout for a base before TH6, contact me separately.

I am no longer actively maintaining lists for bases TH8 and lower.
If you need a newer layout contact me separately.

TH7 bases with 3AD are marked **.
Otherwise you must adapt to find room for the third AD, which I do recommend you include!


Atticus has started up a blog with some good tactical advice and
it's well worth a read if you are unsure about attacking strats.

Atticus' Blog


Setting up Multiple Accounts

Much easier to do on Android, but can be done on iOS though it's a pain.
Another idea is to use an Android emulator such as Bluestacks to run CoC
your PC with a second (3rd? 4th?!) account.

General Tromador personally uses the Android method for his villages, and
has also used Bluestacks. He has also used them for other SC games like
Boom Beach. He has no experience with iOS.


If anyone finds better guides, please let Tromador know and he will
update the links.

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